Learn How to Make Delicious Kombucha at Home | Easy DIY Guide


Kombucha, a widely popular fermented tea drink, has been cherished for its numerous health benefits for centuries. It is rich in probiotics, antioxidants, and enzymes that promote good gut health and boost the immune system. While it can be purchased at health food stores and supermarkets, making your kombucha home is a simple and affordable way to enjoy this healthy beverage.

This DIY guide will lead you through the step-by-step process of making your own kombucha at home. We will cover the necessary equipment and ingredients, fermentation, and tips for creating different flavors. 

Let's begin by pouring ourselves a glass and diving in!

What is Kombucha?

Creating kombucha involves blending sweetened tea with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, commonly known as SCOBY. The SCOBY initiates the fermentation process, which converts the sweet tea into a slightly fizzy and tart beverage. Kombucha has a long history of use in China and Russia, known as the "tea of immortality" due to its health benefits.

Health Benefits of Kombucha

Kombucha contains abundant probiotics and helpful bacteria that aid in maintaining gut health and enhancing the immune system. It also contains antioxidants, which protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation. Additionally, kombucha contains enzymes that aid in digestion and improve nutrient absorption. Some studies have also suggested that kombucha may have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Necessary Equipment and Ingredients

Before you start making your kombucha, you will need the following equipment and ingredients:

  A large glass jar (1-gallon size is ideal)

  A breathable cover (like a coffee filter or a cloth)

  Rubber band


  1 cup of starter tea (previously fermented kombucha)

  8-10 tea bags or 2-3 tablespoons of loose-leaf tea

  1 cup of granulated sugar


You can purchase all these products online and at your nearby health food store.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Kombucha at Home

1. Boil 4 cups of water and add your tea bags or loose-leaf tea. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes.

2. Remove the tea bags or strain the loose-leaf tea.

3. Add 1 cup of sugar to the hot tea and stir until it dissolves.

4. Add eight cups of cold water to the sweet tea mixture.

5. Pour the sweet tea mixture into a large glass jar.

6. Add 1 cup of starter tea to the pot.

7. Place the SCOBY on the surface of the sweet tea mixture. Cover the jar with a breathable cover and secure it with a rubber band.

8. Keep the pot in a warm, dark place for 7-10 days.

9. After 7-10 days, taste the kombucha to see if it's ready. It should be slightly sweet and slightly tangy.

10. Remove the SCOBY and 1-2 cups of the kombucha for your next batch to use as starter tea.

11. Bottle the remaining kombucha and store it in the fridge.

How to Flavor Kombucha

Once you have mastered the basic kombucha recipe, you can explore diverse flavors and create your signature blends. Here are some flavoring ideas:

  Fruit juice: Add a splash of your favorite fruit juice to the finished kombucha for a fruity twist.

  Fresh fruit: Slice up fresh fruit and add it to the bottle before storing it in the fridge.

  Herbs and spices: Adding ingredients like ginger, mint, or cinnamon to the final product can give it a delightful flavor.

  Second fermentation: After the initial fermentation, you can do a second fermentation with additional flavorings. Add your desired spices to the bottle, seal it tightly, and store it at room temperature for 1-3 days.

Troubleshooting Common Kombucha Problems

While making kombucha is relatively easy, some common problems can arise. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  Mold: If mold grows on your SCOBY or the kombucha, discard it immediately; this is a sign of contamination and is unsafe to drink.

  Too sweet: If your kombucha tastes overly sweet, allow it to ferment for a few extra days.

  Too sour: If your kombucha is too bad, shorten the fermentation time for your next batch.

  No bubbles: If your kombucha is not fizzy enough, do a longer second fermentation.

Storing and Serving Kombucha

Once your kombucha is ready, it must be stored properly to maintain its flavor and fizziness. Here are some tips:

  Store the finished kombucha in the fridge.

  Keep the bottle tightly sealed to maintain carbonation.

  Serve chilled over ice if desired.


Making your kombucha home is a fun and rewarding way to enjoy this healthy beverage. With just a few simple ingredients and patience, you can create unique blends of this tangy and fizzy drink. Explore various flavors and techniques to discover your ideal kombucha recipe. And above all, enjoy the process and have fun with it!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I reuse my SCOBY? 

Yes, you can reuse your SCOBY for multiple batches of kombucha. Remove it after each set and store it in a covered container with some starter tea.

2. How do I know when my kombucha is ready? 

Taste it! Kombucha should be slightly sweet and slightly tangy. Let it ferment for a few more days if it's too sweet. If it's too sour, shorten the fermentation time for your next batch.

3. Can I use honey instead of sugar? 

Indeed, you may utilize honey instead of sugar; however, remember that it might influence the flavor and fermentation duration.

4. Can I use flavored tea? 

Yes, you can use flavored tea, but avoid teas that contain oils, as they can harm the SCOBY.

5. Is kombucha safe to drink?

When made correctly, kombucha is safe to drink. However, if you see mold growing on your SCOBY or the kombucha, discard it immediately.