Top 10 Gluten-Free Snacks for a Healthy Lifestyle


Eating the right foods is part of a healthy lifestyle. For those with gluten sensitivity, finding gluten-free snacks can be challenging. Gluten-free snacks offer a healthier alternative to regular snacks and can also help with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. This article highlights the 10 best gluten-free snacks to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What is gluten?

The protein gluten, found naturally in grains such as wheat, barley and rye, gives dough its elasticity, allowing it to rise and hold its shape. Gluten is also commonly used as a thickening agent in processed foods. However, eating gluten can be harmful for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, causing inflammation, diarrhea, and other digestive problems.

Why choose gluten-free snacks?

Choosing gluten-free snacks can help people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance avoid side effects. Plus, gluten-free snacks can provide a healthier alternative to regular snacks. Gluten-free snacks typically contain more fiber, protein, and nutrients than gluten-containing snacks.

Top 10 Gluten-Free Snacks for a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great gluten-free snacking option. These snacks are often low in calories but high in fiber and are a great source of important vitamins and minerals. Some good choices are apples, carrots, celery, and berries.

2. Hummus and vegetable sticks

Hummus is a savory dip usually made with ingredients like chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, and lemon juice. It's naturally gluten-free and a great source of protein and fiber. Mix hummus with gluten-free vegetable strips like carrots, celery, or bell peppers for a healthy and filling snack.

3. Peanut Butter Rice Cake

Rice cakes are a great gluten-free cookie substitute, they're low in calories and can be paired with different toppings. Spread peanut butter on rice cakes for a healthy, high-protein snack.

4. Greek yogurt with honey and berries

Greek yogurt is known to be high in protein and calcium, making it a great addition to any healthy diet. It's naturally gluten-free and can be served with a variety of toppings - Greek yogurt with honey and berries for a sweet and filling snack.

5. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a delicious and healthy gluten-free snacking option that's high in antioxidants and may help lower blood pressure. Choose dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa for the best health benefits.

6. Trail combination

Trail mix is ​​a great gluten-free snack option, and it's so easy to eat.  Trail mix is ​​a snack that typically contains a mix of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit and provides a healthy combination of protein and fiber.

7. Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are a nutritious snack packed with protein and fiber. They can be flavored with a variety of spices for added flavor, making them a filling, healthy snack.

8. Popcorn

Popcorn is a classic snack that is naturally gluten-free, an excellent source of fiber and low in calories. Choose healthy snacks from air-popped or gluten-free brands.

9. Edamame

Edamame, a popular soy snack, is naturally gluten-free and a great source of protein and fiber. Edamame is a healthy snack that can be served hot or cold.

10. Kale Chips

Kale Chips are a healthy gluten-free alternative to regular potato chips, these foods are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Kale Chips can be made at home by toasting kale leaves in the oven with oil and spices.

How to choose healthy gluten-free snacks

When choosing gluten-free snacks, you want to make sure you're eating healthy, nutrient-dense options. To help you choose nutrient-dense gluten-free snacks, we've put together the following tips:

1. When choosing foods, it is best to choose whole, unprocessed, naturally gluten-free foods. These include fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, which are packed with important nutrients and are a better choice than processed snacks.

2. When buying packaged snacks, be sure to read labels carefully to make sure they are gluten-free. Look for products labeled gluten-free to avoid cross-contamination.

3. Avoid processed snacks: Processed snacks are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and empty calories. Instead, choose whole foods that are naturally gluten-free for a healthier snack.

4. Try new foods: Introducing gluten-free snacks to your diet can expose you to new and delicious foods. Experiment with different flavors and textures to discover your favorite gluten-free snacks.


A healthy diet is essential to overall health and well-being. For those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it can be difficult to find gluten-free snacks. The 10 best gluten-free snacks above offer healthy alternatives to traditional snacks that can help with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Incorporating these snacks into your diet can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.


1. What other gluten-free snacks are there?

A: Other gluten-free snack options include nuts, seeds, gluten-free granola bars, and gluten-free crackers.

2. Are all hummus brands gluten-free?

A: No, not all hummus brands are gluten-free. It's important to read labels and look for brands that claim to be gluten-free.

3. Are there health benefits to eating gluten-free snacks?

A: Yes, gluten-free snacks provide more fiber, protein and nutrients than gluten-containing snacks.

4. Can I eat gluten-free snacks even if I don't have celiac disease or gluten intolerance?

A: Everyone can enjoy gluten-free snacks as a healthier alternative to traditional snacks.

5. Can I mix my flavors?

A: Mixed nuts, seeds and dried fruit can be made at home. Be sure to choose gluten-free ingredients, if necessary.